Available online , Korean Herb. Med. Inf. ;5(3)

한약정보연구회지5권 제3



동북아 각국 공정서의 한약재 규격 기준 비교(9) - 강황

A Comparative Study on Standards of Korean Herbal Medicines in the Pharmacopoeias of Northeast-Asian Countries (9) Tumeric Rhizome

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The standards of medicinal herbs are provided differently in each nations. So the dissimilarity of the standards should be verified for the standardization of medicinal herbs. The requirements of ‘tumeric rhizome’ were compared among the Korean Pharmacopoeia (KP), the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP), Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (ChP), Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopeia (THP), Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards (HCS) and the Pharmacopoeia of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DP). There were different requirements of tumeric rhizome among the pharmacopoeias, such as the origin, morphological description, identification, purity, ash content, and the assay. The differences of standards among northeast-asian countries should be investigated thoroughly in terms of efficacy and safety. This study would be a helpful reference for the revision of the regulation on herbal medicine.

How to cite

Yang Sungyu, Choi Goya. A Comparative Study on Standards of Korean Herbal Medicines in the Pharmacopoeias of Northeast-Asian Countries (9) Tumeric Rhizome. Korean Herb. Med. Inf. 2017;5(3):13-20.

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