Available online , Korean Herb. Med. Inf. ;12(1)

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Original article

빈혈의 한의 임상 연구 동향

Traditional Korean medicine clinical research trends in anemia


I conducted research on clinical trends regarding anemia in Traditional Korean Medicine (TKM) with the aim of providing a convenient reference for anemia diagnosis and treatment in clinical settings. I analyzed clinical studies on anemia treatment in humans using TKM, selected from domestic databases OASIS and Science On, as well as the international database PubMed. I selected and analyzed a total of 24 papers, which included one randomized controlled trial (RCT) involving 19 patients, two retrospective analyses of medical records involving 29 and 68 patients respectively, and 21 case reports involving 1 to 3 patients each, all focusing on anemia treatment. There have been 24 recent clinical research papers in TKM targeting anemia, with studies consistently conducted across all ages and genders. Most anemia patients had a preceding disease. The main methods of TKM treatment primarily involved herbal medicines with tonifying qi, blood, and spleen efficacy, along with pharmacoacupuncture and FCST. TKM interventions, as assessed by Hb levels, demonstrated mostly effective outcomes.

Keyword: anemia, Traditional Korean medicine clinical research, clinical research trends analysis, Traditional Korean Medicine

How to cite

Oh Yongtaek. Traditional Korean medicine clinical research trends in anemia. Korean Herb. Med. Inf. 2024;12(1):33-48.

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