Published 2017-07-15, Korean Herb. Med. Inf. ;5(2)

한약정보연구회지5권 제2



麻黃의 韓方 效能主治에 대한 문헌고찰

A Literature Review on Medicinal Actions and Indications of Ephedrae Herba from Korean Medicine’s Viewpoints

Authors :

This study was aimed to study medicinal actions of Ephedrae Herba (EH) through actions (效能) and indications (主治) in literature. A hundred or so classics from Qin-Han to Qing dynasty were mentioned in the books and a journal about the lineage of herbology. To select collectible literature in the country, we searched the national library, the national assembly library, central libraries of Wonkwang and Kyunghee university and private collections. Finally, 42 classics were selected as references. In Qin-Han dynasty, EH was recognized to have a diaphoretic and cold-dispersing effect (發汗散寒), and used for the dual disease of the exterior and interior. In Tang-Song dynasty, diseases having pathomechanism of cold-damage were noted in the indication as ever, also medical and nonmedical parts of EH were distinct from each other. In Jin-Yuan dynasty, the actions; diaphoretic action to release the exterior and calming panting action by diffusing the lung, were linked with the meridian tropism, qi and flavor, and the shape of herb to give an account of medicinal actions. In Ming dynasty, the indication was clarified to the exterior syndrome and included edema, while the dispersing action was explained by pungent flavor. In Qing dynasty, the diaphoretic mechanism was suggested as similar as the pharmacological action related to a sympathetic system. Also, diuretic action of EH in formulas was deeper understood. EH has been a sweat-promoting, panting-calming, and water-draining herbal medicine and since Ming dynasty, pungent-bitter flavor (辛苦味) was related with medicinal actions and indications of EH.

How to cite

Yoon Jee–hyun et al. A Literature Review on Medicinal Actions and Indications of Ephedrae Herba from Korean Medicine’s Viewpoints. Korean Herb. Med. Inf. 2017;5(2):23-36.

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