

The stomach meridian of foot-Yangming

The stomach meridian pertains to the stomach and connects with the spleen. It starts directly below the pupil between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge. Running downward along the lateral side of the nose, to the lateral corner of the mouth. Curving posterior to the anterior angle of the mandible. Then it travels to the posterior aspect of the mandible ascending in front of the ear and following the anterior hairline, it reaches the forehead. It then runs along the throat and enters the supraclavicular fossa. The straight line of the meridian separates the supraclavicular fossa and runs downward along the middle mammillary line. It travels to the side of the umbilicus and descends to the inguinal groove. Running downward it travels along the anterior aspect of the thigh and reaches the knee. From there is continues further down along the anterior border of the lateral aspect of the tibia to the dorsum of the foot and reaches the lateral side of the tip of the second toe.

  • WGM2# 2912 / 병음: zú yáng míng wèi jīng (쭈 양 밍 웨이 징)
  • 분류: 3. 치칙·치법과 요법(治則·治法與療法; Treatment principles/methods and therapies) - 3.5 침구류(발관·괄사 포함)[針灸類(含拔罐·刮痧); Acupuncture and moxibustion (including cupp
  • Ref. WHO international standard terminologies on traditional Chinese medicine (2022)


stomach meridian (ST)

one of the regular twelve meridians which originates internally at the lateral edge of the nose, then continues to ST1 at the inferior border of the orbit, descends to the upper gum, courses around the mouth, and travels up to ST8 at the hairline of the temple. From here it continues internally to terminate at GV24. The facial branch descends from ST5 where it turns internally and descends past the diaphragm to connect with the stomach and spleen. The supraclavicular fossa branch descends along the midclavicular line to ST30 in the inguinal region, then anteriorly along the lateral margin of the femur to the patella, terminating at ST45 on the lateral side of the tip of the second toe. The gastric branch descends internally past the umbilicus and terminates at ST30. The tibial branch leaves ST36 and descends along the fibula, terminating at the lateral side of the tip of the middle toe. The dorsal foot branch leaves ST42 and descends to the medial side of the great toe at SP1. There are 45 acupuncture points on either side of the body

  • code 1.4.12
  • Ref. WHO international standard terminologies on traditional medicine in the western pacific region (2007)


[경락] 십이정경의 하나. 승읍에서 시작하여 여태에서 끝나고 신경정신질환, 소화기계질환 등을 다스린다. =위경(胃經), 족양명(足陽明), 족양명맥(足陽明脈).

  • Ref. 대한한의학회 표준한의학용어집 2.1 (2021)


십이경맥(十二經脈)의 하나. 원래는 위족양명지맥(胃足陽明之脈)이라 일컬음. =위맥(胃脈).

  • Ref. 경희대학교, 동양의학대사전 (1999) 중 일부 발췌함.


십이 경맥의 하나. 위(胃)에 속하고 비(脾)에 이어진다. =위경(胃經)

  • Ref. 국립국어원, 표준국어대사전 (2020)