

The kidney meridian of foot-Shaoyin

The kidney meridian pertains to the kidney and connects with the urinary bladder. It mainly travels along the posterior border of the medial aspect of the leg and passes through the chest and abdomen, finally terminating at the root of the tongue.

  • WGM2# 2917 / 병음: zú shào yīn shèn jīng (쭈 사오 인 선 징)
  • 분류: 3. 치칙·치법과 요법(治則·治法與療法; Treatment principles/methods and therapies) - 3.5 침구류(발관·괄사 포함)[針灸類(含拔罐·刮痧); Acupuncture and moxibustion (including cupp
  • Ref. WHO international standard terminologies on traditional Chinese medicine (2022)


kidney meridian (KI)

one of the twelve regular meridians which begins on the plantar tip of the small toe and travels to yongquan (KI1) in the center of the sole, continues along the medial side of the lower limb to the symphysis pubis, turns internally to the kidney and bladder, and back to the symphysis pubis, ascending along the abdomen and chest up to shufu (KI27) in the depression between the first rib and the lower border of the clavicle, with 27 acupuncture points on either side

  • code 1.4.17
  • Ref. WHO international standard terminologies on traditional medicine in the western pacific region (2007)


[경락] 십이정경의 하나. 용천에서 시작하여 수부에서 끝나고 신경정신질환, 비뇨생식기질환 등을 다스린다. =신경(腎經), 족소음(足少陰).

  • Ref. 대한한의학회 표준한의학용어집 2.1 (2021)


십이경맥(十二經脈)의 하나. 원래는 신족소음지맥(腎足少陰之脈)이라 일컬음.

  • Ref. 경희대학교, 동양의학대사전 (1999) 중 일부 발췌함.


십이 경맥의 하나. 콩팥에 속하고 방광에 이어진다. =신경(腎經)

  • Ref. 국립국어원, 표준국어대사전 (2020)