

Yin deficiency leading to fire hyperactivity

A pathological state in which yin fluid fails to control yang and causes a relative hyperactivity of yang and deficiency fire.

  • WGM2# 403 / 병음: yīn xū huǒ wàng (인 쉬 후어 왕)
  • 분류: 1. 중의기초이론술어(中醫基礎理論術語; Fundamentals of traditional Chinese medicine) - 1.6 병기류(病機類; Pathogenesis)
  • Ref. WHO international standard terminologies on traditional Chinese medicine (2022)


yin deficiency with effulgent fire

insufficient yin failing to restrain yang, causing exuberant fire of the deficiency type

  • code 1.7.25
  • Ref. WHO international standard terminologies on traditional medicine in the western pacific region (2007)


[병리] 음정이 부족해져서 허화가 치성해진 병리 상태. =음허화동(陰虛火動).

  • Ref. 대한한의학회 표준한의학용어집 2.1 (2021)


음정(陰精)이 휴손되어 허열(虛熱)이 매우 심한 병증. 증상으로는 번조이노(煩躁易怒), 양관조홍(兩顴潮紅), 구건인통(口乾咽痛), 성욕항진(性欲亢進) 등이 나타난다. 참고: 음허양항(陰虛陽亢)]]

  • Ref. 경희대학교, 동양의학대사전 (1999) 중 일부 발췌함.