

Exterior pattern

Characterized by aversion to wind/cold, fever, headache, and body aches. The tongue coating is thin. The pulse is floating. These signs and symptoms are often seen in the early stage of externally contracted conditions that have a sudden onset, superficial location and a short duration. Often occurs when exogenous pathogenic factors affect the interstices, joints and head.

  • WGM2# 996 / 병음: biǎo zhèng (뺘오 정)
  • 분류: 2. 진단·병증과 체질술어(診斷·病證和體質術語; Terminologies on diagnosis, patterns and constitution) - 2.4 증후(證候; Patterns) - 팔강증류(八綱證類; Patterns according to the eight principles;
  • Ref. WHO international standard terminologies on traditional Chinese medicine (2022)


exterior pattern/syndrome

a general term for patterns/syndromes that occur chiefly at the early stage of external contractions affecting the exterior part of the body, characterized by a sudden onset, aversion to cold or to wind, fever, headache, generalized pain, thin tongue coating, and floating pulse

  • code 2.5.33
  • Ref. WHO international standard terminologies on traditional medicine in the western pacific region (2007)


[병리] 팔강의 하나. 병이 기부에 있는 증후(證候)를 이른다. 일반적으로 육음이 피모, 구비를 따라 인체에 침입하여 일으키는 외감병의 초기 단계를 가리킨다. 특징은 발병이 급하고 병정(病程)이 짧다.

  • Ref. 대한한의학회 표준한의학용어집 2.1 (2021)


(1) 표에 외사(外邪)가 침범하여 생긴 병증. 표한(表寒), 표열(表熱), 표허(表虛), 표실(表實)로 구분한다.
(2) 팔강(八綱)의 하나.

  • Ref. 경희대학교, 동양의학대사전 (1999) 중 일부 발췌함.