
풍열표증(風熱表證); 풍열외침증(風熱外侵證); 풍열범표증(風熱犯表證)

Wind heat exterior pattern; Wind heat invading the exterior pattern

Characterized by fever, mild aversion to cold/wind, sweating, thirst, and red, sore throat. The tongue tip is red with a thin, yellow coating. The pulse is superficial and rapid. Often occurs when wind heat attacks the surface of the body and affects the normal functioning of the Wei-defence.

  • WGM2# 1016 / 병음: fēng rè biǎo zhèng (훵 르어 뺘오 정)
  • 분류: 2. 진단·병증과 체질술어(診斷·病證和體質術語; Terminologies on diagnosis, patterns and constitution) - 2.4 증후(證候; Patterns) - 병인증류(病因證類; Patterns related to causative fac
  • Ref. WHO international standard terminologies on traditional Chinese medicine (2022)


Exterior heat pattern; Exterior heat pattern

Characterized by fever, aversion to wind, headache, thirst, sore throat, and cough with yellow phlegm. Sores, ulcers or boils may also be present. The tongue coating is thin and white or slightly yellow. The pulse is superficial and rapid. Often occurs when wind, heat or summer dryness attacks the surface of the body.

  • WGM2# 1048 / 병음: biǎo rè zhèng (뺘오 르어 정)
  • 분류: 2. 진단·병증과 체질술어(診斷·病證和體質術語; Terminologies on diagnosis, patterns and constitution) - 2.4 증후(證候; Patterns) - 병인증류(病因證類; Patterns related to causative factors;
  • Ref. WHO international standard terminologies on traditional Chinese medicine (2022)

표열증(表熱證); 풍열범표증(風熱犯表證); 풍열습표증(風熱襲表證)

exterior heat pattern/syndrome

a pattern/syndrome arising when wind-heat invades the exterior and characterized by marked fever with mild aversion to wind and cold, headache, sore throat, sweating and thirst, thin yellow tongue coating and rapid floating pulse, the same as the pattern/syndrome of wind-heat invading the exterior

  • code 2.5.37
  • Ref. WHO international standard terminologies on traditional medicine in the western pacific region (2007)


[변증] 체표에 풍열사(風熱邪)가 침범하여 생긴 병증. 열이 나고 바람을 싫어하며 약간 오싹오싹 춥고 머리가 아프며 갈증이 나고 맥이 부삭(浮數)한 증상이 발생한다.

  • Ref. 대한한의학회 표준한의학용어집 2.1 (2021)


풍(風)과 열 등의 양사(陽邪)외감(外感)함으로써 발생하는 표증(表證). 참고: 열증(熱證)

  • Ref. 경희대학교, 동양의학대사전 (1999) 중 일부 발췌함.