

interior heat

(1) a pathological change resulting from an external pathogen transforming into heat and entering the interior to bind in the stomach and intestines; (2) a general term denoting accumulation of pathological products in the body, such as phlegm, retained fluid, stagnant qi and blood, intestinal parasites, and undigested food

  • code 1.7.55
  • Ref. WHO international standard terminologies on traditional medicine in the western pacific region (2007)


[병리] ① 위장이나 폐위에 실열이 있거나 간담에 울열이 있는 병리 상태. ② 체내에 열이 있는 병리 상태.

  • Ref. 대한한의학회 표준한의학용어집 2.1 (2021)



  • Ref. 경희대학교, 동양의학대사전 (1999) 중 일부 발췌함.